
Musings on designing experiences & (re)engineering complexity

Aug 2020



A lot about the process of thinking (deep thought, collaborative, synthesis, research, or experimentation) is simply a matter of thinking. What passes as challenging work under this initiative is really a matter of “can you think then invite others to think?” Which, when you think about it, is just a series of reframing thoughts.

And maybe this isn’t the “center of the known universe,” but perhaps it is. A piece of what has been a brick of work this past year has been listening for and pulling out of processes whatever is implied cognitively. A lot is implied, and perhaps this is where we don’t exactly think but we connect with whatever is embedded into our environments.

Am also discovering the impact of traumatic experiences on the designed environment. Much more of what I’m seeing of the policy-driven world isn’t so much a response to augmenting humanity as much as it is addressing the symptoms which define humanity. Sharper are the policies and structures where the assumed or actualized hurt is greater to someone (someone louder, often not even living anymore). And yet this effect produces affects which impact the ability for folks to think.

Maybe (re)engineering complexity is really a case of unpacking what it means to think. And if so… maybe a more honest question is whether it’s worth it to others to know their thoughts, or to be shielded from them?