On Data Visualizations and Decisions
Visualizations can lead to awareness, and then to ??? When doing/working with researchers and data scientists, there’s often this “make it neat to interact with” bit which falls into the reporting side of analysis. And yes, it needs to be as intuitive/direct as possible to understand what the … read more
Mindful of Crypto
On this holiday weekend in the USA, and consumer holiday in terms of how many companies look at the end of the year with an eye towards filling gaps in sales and profits. Of note on today is the concentration to digital goods. This year, it seems as if cryptocurrencies run near the top of the list … read more
The Augmented Intelligence Challenge
Some years back, was pushed into teaching folks about Excel macros. Anyone who has worked on automating a part of their work certainly gets why it’s valuable. But, making it valuable for folks who have not? Well, that was a challenge. Later, ended up working across a few companies where this ability … read more
Implications of AiPin and Oura Connectivity
Originally posted this in the Humane Discord; lightly edited and expanded thoughts here. Been seeing some commentary on the NYT piece about chatbots/AI doing better diagnoses than doctors, and my mind went back to a prev convo (in the Humane Discord) on the AiPin being able to connect to the Oura … read more
Prescription Lens Judgement
If I do prescription lenses into the Brilliant Labs Frame, does this mean that the experiment to see if these could replace (or augment) prescription lenses is a failure? Is just considering prescription lenses a judgement of a failed experiment? ——— Saw a few renewed takes on Meta’s Orion and … read more
Responsive Communication
continued thoughts from the previously posted Refining the Contact Points One of the ways am using the Humane AiPin is in the form of a networking assistant. For several events, have used the AiPin to make a note of contacts by copying the business card into its notes and then adding notes as … read more
How to AI
There’s something of a running joke in tech-corporate settings where there’s this bastardizing of the terminology of a new tool or method which breaks forth. It’s really bad, and wouldn’t be as funny if it weren’t true. Now, there are several reasons for this, part of it having to do with the way we … read more
Notes from Humane AiPin Use
sharing from my AiPin journal an item which has been a part of “what can the AiPin do better” stream of thoughts Thinking about the survey from the other day, and some of the other convos, I’m back to chewing on “what about email do I want from the AiPin?” A further reflection refined from a piece … read more
Are Websites Still Needed
A few conversations recently brought back to the surface an older topic: is a website really needed? To be frank, am speaking of persons who are not selling products but are offering a service, or displaying a competency so that they can be utilized for some type of knowledge expertise. What is the … read more
Conceptualization as a Superpower
For a little more than a decade, taught a number of “corporate education” courses with the intention of helping to raise the floor of internal teams as it related to content management and data analytics. One of the more surprising bits of information learned across the years of doing this was a … read more