• Avanceé Reads for 7 Feb 25 🔗

    Each week these are shared with a sense of wonder and hope. Wonder about the shape of conversations and threads which meander about. Hope at doing something more than just pulsating silicon wafers until they cannot any more. Wonder and hope… a lot of what’s been challenged lately. But, also where … read more

  • Stumbling As Agility

    Stumbling forward. That’s more or less the feeling these days. And for each experiment and moment of research that offers a little bit of clarity there’s also something different upon us. It was affirming to see a graphic speak to the amount of content that comes across our senses. And even in this … read more

  • Avanceé Reads for 31 Jan 25 🔗

    Am in the kind of week where there’s a remembrance of poking into another side of design-engineering. The spark of such a memory might be discussed later. But for now, there’s something more complete Avanceé could offer going forward, regardless of the state of affairs. Also published: … read more

  • Considerations and Certifications

    “I think it’s worth calling out the BS and pointing people in the right direction.” Stealing that line from a recent conversation as we are getting set to increase activity with some local partners and am looking across the scope of what is happening to the space of technology operations. About … read more

  • Avanceé Reads for 24 Jan 25 🔗

    And here we’ve got something of interesting shape of things. On one side is this deplorable state of circumstances, on another this state of endless possibilities. Am not sure all of it is as bleak or otherwise optimistic, but trying to push forward means taking what is and isn’t, while also finding … read more

  • OpenAI Operator Quick Thoughts

    There’s a part of having watched OpenAI’s Operaror video (and read the release and accompanying docs which says “in calling the AiPin a secretary, and this should be a part of its characteristics.” And that’s semi-good (heck, am actually not long from booking a flight after a few days of lagging on … read more

  • Avanceé Reads for 17 Jan 25 🔗

    The changes which have been in the wind are upon us in one way or another. That said, all change doesn’t mean negative consequences. Some items are ripples of decisions to come. How we respond now, determines what we chose later. Also published: On Data Visualizations and Decisions read more

  • On Data Visualizations and Decisions

    Visualizations can lead to awareness, and then to ??? When doing/working with researchers and data scientists, there’s often this “make it neat to interact with” bit which falls into the reporting side of analysis. And yes, it needs to be as intuitive/direct as possible to understand what the … read more

  • Avanceé Reads for 10 Jan 25 🔗

    Welcome to the new year and the first share of interesting reads and notable links. Always putting things into perspective, the shape of news and transformation is one that we can’t keep our eyes away from him. However, it’s also time to get to work. read more

  • Avanceé 2024 Review

    Another year of reflections, connections, contemplations, and experiments have concluded. 2024 was certainly a challenging year for Avanceé. But, it wasn’t something that is insurmountable, just a ripple from an intention of more deliberate research, networking, and refining the goal of this … read more